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Home School Assistance Program

The Knoxville Home School Assistance Program (KHSAP) serves home school families in the Knoxville Community School District by providing curricula of the parents’ choosing through a growing resource lending library, the support of certified teachers who are fellow home school parents, classes to enrich students’ home education, and other activities such as open gym times, field trips, and social gatherings. Enrollment in KHSAP is available free of charge for home school families in the Knoxville Community School District, as well for families in surrounding districts through the open enrollment option. 

Participants in the program are required to have contact with a KHSAP teacher at least 4 times per quarter, with at least half of those contacts being face-to-face with the child. These contacts can include participation in regular KHSAP activities or can be scheduled individually. Other than the required contacts with KHSAP teachers, enrolled families are free to choose which activities and benefits of the program as they desire to take advantage of. 

Parents are their children’s primary teachers and are in charge of their students’ education. It is the right and responsibility of parents to decide what resources they will use in their home school, and they are always free to change curricula or approaches at any time during the school year without notifying the District. 

►For more information about KHSAP, please see our KHSAP Family Handbook or contact Stacy Picard or 641-842-3313, Option #3.

To enroll: Click the link below.

Stacy Picard

Stacy Picard
HSAP Coordinator
Email Stacy Picard

Carrie Carter

Carrie Carter
HSAP Supervisory Teacher
Email Carrie Carter

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