I have a student in KCSD...
If you have a student in KCSD and are not receiving alerts and notifications about KCSD make sure your contact information on Infinite Campus is up to date and correct. We use the information in Infinite Campus to send out alerts for all the happenings within KCSD.
If you are having trouble with Infinite Campus, email ICHelp@kcsd.k12.ia.us for assistance.
I do not have a student in KCSD, but still want to receive notifications...
If you are part of the Knoxville community and still want to receive alerts and notifications and alerts about the happenings at KCSD, fill out THIS FORM with your up-to-date contact information. We will get your information added into our alert/notification system within 5 school days. You will begin receiving KCSD alerts once we have added your contact information into our secure system.