Health Requirements & Forms
Immunization updates are especially important for PK, K, 7th and 12th grade students
7th grade: a dose of Tdap and a dose of Meningococcal vaccine on or after 10 years of age and grade 7 if born after September 15, 2004. REQUIRED before starting 7th grade.
12th grade: TWO doses of Meningococcal vaccine for those entering 12th grade if born after September 15, 1999 OR 1 dose if received when the student is 16 years of age or older. REQUIRED before starting senior year.
Here are the forms required for preschoolers:
Health History: complete each year online within Infinite Campus
Immunization Record with required Preschool vaccines or exemption
For those with food allergies/special diets: Diet Modification Form
For those who need daily or emergency medications at school: Medication Administration Form
Here is all the paperwork required before school starts in the fall:
Health History: complete each year online within Infinite Campus
Immunization Record: up to date with Kindergarten vaccines or exemption
Dental exam (within 1 year of start of school)
Vision exam (within 1 year of start of school)
For those with food allergies/special diets: Diet Modification Form
For those who need daily or emergency medications at school: Medication Administration Form
All students PK-12: Complete the Annual Health History online within Infinite Campus
For 3rd grade: A vision exam is required. An exam within 1 year before and 6 months after enrollment in 3rd grade is acceptable. Your eye doctor should have the form.
For 9th grade: A dental exam is required. An exam within 1 year before and 4 months after enrollment in 9th grade is acceptable. Your dentist should have the form.
For Grades 6-12 (optional): Tylenol consent
For Grades 7-12 for participation in athletics: Athletic Physical Form
Asthma or Airway Constricting Medication Self-Administration