High School Announcements

March 29, 2023   A-DAY


A solid bar of Iron costs $5.  If you would take that bar of iron and use it to make a set of horseshoes you increase the value to $12.  If instead of horseshoes, you took that bar of iron and made it into sewing needles, you’d increase the value to $3500! But listen to this; if you take that same $5 bar of iron and use it to make small little balance springs to be used in watches, it then becomes worth $300,000! So what does this mean you ask? What is the point?  Well, the same can be said for the worth of a person. Your value is not just based on what you are, but also on what you can become! We all start the same, it is what we turn ourselves into that matters. Think about that for a minute!   Have a great week, Go Panthers!


  • Knoxville FFA will be hosting the spring blood drive on Wednesday, April 26th.  If you would like to sign-up to donate, please go to the following link. https://login.bloodcenter.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/110051 You must be 16 to donate.  If you are 16, you will need a parent signature form; therefore, please stop by Ms. Johnston's room to pick one up.  17 and 18 year olds do not need signature forms.  
  • SCIENCE CLUB #1:  Any one interested in a summer camping trip should contact Mr. Richardson and express interest in going.  
  • SCIENCE CLUB #2:  Any one interested in learning to paddle Kayaks in the Rec Center Pool should see Mr. Richardson for details and a permission slip.  That event will happen Saturday evening April 1st, 7:15-9:30pm.  


Candi's Flowers:

Sat, April 1st is the last day to order your prom tuxedos from Candi's Flowers.  They will be open until noon.

Out of town prom date forms are now out!  They are located in the front office, guidance office or in Mrs. Jackson's room.  Forms must be turned back into the front office by Thurs. April 6th.  


Prom is April 15th, 2023 at KHS. Please read the informational sheet before you purchase your tickets. Tickets will go on sale on March 13th, 2023 online. There are links to the tickets, After prom tickets and the Adalily order form on the informational sheet. 

Happy Prom! 



After Prom Tickets!

Come enjoy all the fun we have planned!

Please use this link to purchase your after prom tickets. Tickets are $10. Make sure to complete the entire form in order to get your t-shirt. Payments are made using Venmo: @christa-willis. If you need to pay in person, please contact Christa Willischrista.willis@kcsd.k12.ia.us. Ticket sales end on March 24th.  


Seniors: Reminder to complete your Senior Salute google form that was emailed to you .

MARCH 31st, 2023 is the deadline for senior photos and quotes. You must send them both to Mrs. Fleming, or another member of the yearbook staff. katy.fleming@kcsd.k12.ia.us

Please make sure to check your emails regularly for graduation emails.  

Make sure all fees/fines are paid before you graduate.  You can see them on Infinite Campus or contact Natasha in the office.

If you have not paid for your cap and gown yet, payment was due by March 1st.



Any student interested in signing up for summer driver's ed forms are available in the front office.  There will be 2 sessions to choose from.  First session will begin June 4th and second session will begin July 30th.  


Accura Healthcare of Knoxville is looking for students to volunteer to provide one on one companionship such as playing cards or various board games with the residents.  If you are interested please contact Kellie Hawkins by email. kellie.hawkins@accura.healthcare



April 11th: Northwest Missouri State



Mon, Mar. 27           MS BD - SCC Honor Band @Albia (HS), 100 PM (Bus: 1225 PM)

                                HS MK TR - State Tournament @Des Moines (Iowa Events Center), 430 PM (2 Subs: 230 PM)

                                V G SC v. Indianola @Knoxville (Randy Wilson Track), 530 PM

Tue, Mar. 28           HS MK TR - State Tournament @Des Moines (Iowa Events Center), 900 AM (1 Sub, 1 Car: 715 AM)

                               V G/B GF @Menlo (5x80 Golf & Country Club), 400 PM (2 Subs: 120 PM)

                               V B TR @Pella Christian (HS), 430 PM (Bus: 300 PM)

Thu, Mar. 30          JV/V B TN v. North Polk @Knoxville (Joel Tonda Tennis Complex), 415 PM

                               V G TR @Osceola (Clarke HS), 430 PM (Bus: 230 PM)

                              JV/V B SC v. Carlisle @Knoxville (Randy Wilson Track), 530 PM

Fri, Mar. 31           MS CH - SCC Honor Choir @Knoxville (KPAC), 900 AM

                             JV/V B GF @Pleasantville (Country Club), 400 PM (Bus: 245 PM)

                             JV/V G TN v. Pella @Knoxville (Joel Tonda Tennis Complex), 415 PM

                             V G SC v. Grinnell @Knoxville (Randy Wilson Track), 530 PM

Sat, Apr. 1           MS BD - SCIBA Large Group Contest @Knoxville (MS/HS), 800 AM

                            MS/HS SC @Ottumwa (Izaak Walton League), 330 PM (Bus: 130 PM)


LUNCH: Wild Mike's Cheese Bites with Marinara Cup, Side Salad, Pacific Blend Veggies, Assorted Cookies. 2nd Choice:  Teriyaki Chicken with Rice.

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