September 27, 2023
Would you like for your life to be a little more stress free? Would you like to find yourself happier on a more consistent basis? Maybe find yourself being more successful? I'm sure that you wish there was some way for this to happen without you having to do any work, but the truth is this all lies in your hands. Want to know how? Below are 4 agreements that anyone can make with themselves to move in this positive direction.
Number 1- Be Impeccable with your word, meaning to speak with Integrity. When you speak, only say what you mean. Avoid using words to speak against yourself or to gossip about others, and use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
Number 2- Don't take anything personally. Nothing others do is solely because of you. What others do and say is a projection of their own reality. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you will never be the victim of needless suffering.
Number 3- Don't make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama.
Number 4- Always do your best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment, it will be different from when you are feeling well, as opposed to when you're feeling sick, but under any circumstances, simply do your best, and you will avoid your own self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.
Think about it. Make the Commitment and Do it! Have a great week and GO Panthers!
Quote of the Week
"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand."
-Neil Armstrong
If you are transporting a younger sibling please walk them to the sidewalk. Please do not let them walk through the student parking lot alone.
- Picture day is Wednesday, October 4th.
- SkillsUSA/Industrial Tech Club: We will be having a short meeting Wednesday 9/27 after school to introduce the club and discuss possible projects. The goal of the club is to develop skills needed in industry through projects in the shop and community. If you are unable to attend get a hold of me (Mr. Downing) and I can get the info to you.
- Special Olympics shirts are available to order online through Ramaeker's. The store closes on October 1st at midnight.
Any student interested in signing up for fall drivers ed you can stop in the office and pick up a form. Classes start October 22nd.
Meals on Wheels is looking for volunteers to help out at the Knoxville Senior Center. If any student is interested please send an email your name and cell phone number to
Merry N County Christmas is looking for volunteers to helpSetting up displays & hanging Christmas lights at Marion County Park on Nov 4th and Nov 11th from 8 am to Noon each day. Help could be used on Nov 6th and Nov 10th, specific times will be determined at a later date. If you are interested please contact Vanessa Szlachetka via email at
If you are not interested in setting up displays and lights, we will be seeking volunteer help during the event. This will entail greeting cars as they enter the park to hand out flyers, candy canes and collect donations. This will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from Nov 17 - Dec 24 from 5:30 - 8:00.
Sept 28th: Marines will be here during all lunches. 11:15-1:15
Oct. 3rd: Marshalltown Community College will be here during all lunch. 11:15-1:15
Tue, Sep. 26 8/7 FB @Centerville (Lakeview Athletic Complex), 415 PM (2 Buses: 240 PM)
7/8 VB v. Albia @Knoxville (MS), 430 PM
MS/JV/V G/B CC @Knoxville (Pine Knolls Golf Club), 435 PM (MS Bus: 300 PM)
* Participating MS teams: Knoxville, Carlisle, Centerville, Des Moines Lincoln, Grinnell, Indianola, Melcher-Dallas, Newton, Oskaloosa, Pella, Winterset, Twin Cedars
* Participating HS teams: Knoxville, Des Moines Lincoln, Grinnell, Indianola JV (boys only), Marshalltown, Melcher-Dallas, Oskaloosa, Twin Cedars, West Des Moines Valley JV , Winterset
JV2/JV1/V VB v. Cardinal @Knoxville (HS), 530 PM
Wed, Sep. 27 FFA - Soil Judging @Knoxville (HS), 900 AM
Thu, Sep. 28 7/8 VB v. Davis County @Knoxville (MS), 430 PM
Fri, Sep. 29 9 FB @Nevada (HS), 445 PM (Bus: 220 PM)
V FB @Nevada (HS), 730 PM (Bus: 430 PM; Cheer Subs: 500 PM)
Sat, Sep. 30 JV/V G SW @Ames (HS), 900 AM (Car: 615 AM)
V G/B CC @Waverly (Wartburg College), 1130 AM (2 Subs: 400 PM - Friday)
HS M BD @Urbandale (HS), 620 PM (2 Buses: 340 PM)
LUNCH: Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza, Ranch Potato Wedges & Jello Cake. 2nd Choice: Mac & Cheese.