October 18, 2023
Nelson Mandela, former South African President, brilliantly said “Action without vision is only passing time. Vision without action is merely day dreaming. But, Vision with Action can change the world.” Now go back and reread that one more time and let it sink in and then ask yourself, Are you just hustling for hustling sake, with no vision in mind? Are you just sitting around waiting for better things to happen to you? If you want to see a change, you want to see something different happen? Then it is up to you to go and Do what you want to see be Done. Have a great week. Go Panthers!
Quote of the Week
“It is in your hands, to make a better world for all who live in it.”
-Nelson Mandela
- Picture Retakes are October 25th @ 8:30. If you didn't get your picture taken the first time please come at that time even if you do not have to be at school at that time.
- The Indianola girls Swim team finished 3rd in the Little Hawkeye Conference Invitational. Gweni McCusker was a champion in the 200 Individual Medley and the 500 Freestyle. Olivia Bacon won the 50 Freestyle. The Indians swim next on November 4th at the Johnston Regional meet.
- Knoxville shares a girls wrestling team with Pella and Pella Christian (with Pella being the host school and where practices/meets are located). If any girls are interested in participating, please email Mr. Paulsen. The first practice is Mon, Oct. 30 at 400 PM.
- If you are interested in doing cheerleading for basketball and/ or wrestling please attend a brief meeting right after school Wednesday October 18th. We will meet in room 422 of high school
- Have you seen the purple "Tomorrow needs YOU" t-shirts and sweatshirts? Would you like one for yourself? Support KHS junior, Marley Larson, in her efforts to advocate for mental health and raise awareness for suicide prevention by buying one! Use this link to order, and just remember: TOMORROW NEEDS YOU.
- Any student interested in joining the Knoxville Rec Center Winter Swim Season Registration is OPEN from now, until Friday, November 10th for ages 6-18.
- Musical Auditions will be held November 7th from 3:30 to 7pm at KPAC, with callback held on November 8th at the same time. More information can be found at Knoxville Drama facebook page (knoxvillehsdrama) and question can be sent to knoxvillehsdrama@gmail.com
Any student interested in signing up for fall drivers ed you can stop in the office and pick up a form. Classes start October 22nd.
Merry N County Christmas is looking for volunteers to helpSetting up displays & hanging Christmas lights at Marion County Park on Nov 4th and Nov 11th from 8 am to Noon each day. Help could be used on Nov 6th and Nov 10th, specific times will be determined at a later date. If you are interested please contact Vanessa Szlachetka via email at vanny_jo@yahoo.com
If you are not interested in setting up displays and lights, we will be seeking volunteer help during the event. This will entail greeting cars as they enter the park to hand out flyers, candy canes and collect donations. This will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from Nov 17 - Dec 24 from 5:30 - 8:00.
Oct. 26th: University of Northern Iowa from 11:15-11:45.
Oct. 31st: Indian Hills from 1:20-1:50
Mon, Oct. 16 JV B CC @Pella (Sports Park), 510 PM (Bus: 300 PM)
Tue, Oct. 17 SP OL - West Central Bowling Skills @Des Moines (Bowlerama Lanes), 1030 AM (Bus + Sub: 900 AM)
JV/V G SW v. Newton, Grinnell, Oskaloosa @Indianola (Wellness Campus), 530 PM (Car: 330 PM)
V VB - Regional Quarterfinal v. Newton @Knoxville (HS), 700 PM
Wed, Oct. 18 FCCLA Leadership Rally @Ames (Iowa State University), 900 AM (Van: 630 AM)
V G/B CC - State Qualifying Meet @Pella (Sports Park), 400 PM (Bus: 215 PM)
Thu, Oct. 19 HS Knowledge Bowl @Ankeny (DMACC), 930 AM (Sub: 800 AM)
Fri, Oct. 20 9 FB v. Harlan @Knoxville (Ken Locke Stadium), 445 PM
V FB v. Harlan @Knoxville (Ken Locke Stadium), 730 PM
**Marching Band performance**
**Dance Team performance**
Sat, Oct. 21 HS BD/HS CH - All-State Auditions @Indianola (HS), 930 AM (Bus: 745 AM)
LUNCH: Chicken Sandwich, Sweet Potato Fries & Cheesy Broccoli. 2nd CHOICE: Spicy Chicken Sandwich.