High School Announcements

November 2, 2023   


Now that grades have been submitted for Term 1 and we get into the full swing of Term 2, it is important to reflect on how the first quarter of the school year went.  One of our first Panther Pride Focuses of this year focused on setting a tone of success for the year.  It is quite possible that the beginning of the year did not go quite the way you had hoped or planned, and that is ok, it sometimes happens.  Often life gets moving too fast and we find ourselves behind and buried.  When this happens I want you to think of this quote, “You Can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and Change the Ending.”  With that in mind, make the necessary adjustments and refocus on this term.  One way to help is by reminding your parents or guardians to sign up for our Parent EdCamp which will be taking place over our normal fall conferences.  Have a good week and Go Panthers! 

Quote of the Week

“Where focus goes, energy flows”

-Tony Robbins



  • Early out Wed. Nov. 1st and Thurs. Nov. 2nd.
  • No School on Fri. Nov. 3rd and Mon. Nov. 6th
  • GSA: will meet in McBride's room from 3:30-4:15 next Thur. Nov. 9th for cards, candy, and conversation.
  • Locker Rooms Lockers: Please make sure to clean out your locker in the locker rooms no later than Wed. Nov. 8th and turn your locks to Kellar and Douglas.  After that anything left in them will be put in the lost and found.
  • End of Term Activity: There are QR codes around the school for the end of term activity. Please scan the QR code and complete the form to be entered into a prize drawing. You have until Thursday to complete your guesses and submit the form. Good Luck! 
  • If you're a junior or senior interested in helping new students at KHS, please stop by the counseling office or email Ms. Lee at traci.lee@kcsd.k12.ia.us.  You must be in good standing.
  • KHS DRAMA CLUB: is looking for creative students to be a part of our production and creative team. If you have ever been interested in learning and participating in the off-stage roles of theatre this is a great opportunity. Areas of interests include set and scenic design, costuming, makeup or hair design, props, sound and lights, and stage crew. If you are interested in being involved, or have questions, you can send a message to Knoxvillehsdrama@gmail.com or at auditions on November 7th
  • KNOXVILLE REC SWIM: Any student interested in joining the Knoxville Rec Center Winter Swim Season Registration is OPEN from now, until Friday, November 10th for ages 6-18.
  • MUSICAL: Musical Auditions will be held November 7th from 3:30 to 7pm at KPAC, with callback held on November 8th at the same time. More information can be found at Knoxville Drama facebook page (knoxvillehsdrama) and question can be sent to knoxvillehsdrama@gmail.com

2 Hour Early Dismissal Schedule

Block 1


(1a 7:55-8:23             1b 8:27-8:55)

Block 2


(2a 9:00-9:28                       2b 9:32-10:00)

Block 4


(4a 10:05-10:33            4b 10:37-11:05)

Block 3/Lunch


1st Shift





2nd Shift







3rd Shift







4th Shift






Merry N County Christmas is looking for volunteers to helpSetting up displays & hanging Christmas lights at Marion County Park on Nov 4th and Nov 11th from 8 am to Noon each day. Help could be used on Nov 6th and Nov 10th, specific times will be determined at a later date.  If you are interested please contact Vanessa Szlachetka via email at   vanny_jo@yahoo.com

If you are not interested in setting up displays and lights, we will be seeking volunteer help during the event. This will entail greeting cars as they enter the park to hand out flyers, candy canes and collect donations. This will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from Nov 17 - Dec 24 from 5:30 - 8:00.



Nov. 2nd:  Northwest Missouri State 11:30-12:15



Wed, Nov. 1             FFA National Convention @Indianapolis 

Thu, Nov. 2              MS MK TR - Regionals @Marshalltown (Iowa Valley Community College), 900 AM (Bus: 700 AM)
                                FFA National Convention @Indianapolis 

Fri, Nov. 3                FFA National Convention @Indianapolis 

Sat, Nov. 4               V G SW - Regionals @Johnston (Summit MS), 1200 PM (Car: 815 AM)

LUNCH: Hot Dog w/ Classic Toppings, Potato Wedges & Fresh Berries. 2nd CHOICE: Chef Salad w/ Breadstick.