High School Announcements

March 27, 2024    



A solid bar of Iron costs $5.  If you would take that bar of iron and use it to make a set of horseshoes you increase the value to $12.  If instead of horseshoes, you took that bar of iron and made it into sewing needles, you’d increase the value to $3500! But listen to this; if you take that same $5 bar of iron and use it to make small little balance springs to be used in watches, it then becomes worth $300,000! So what does this mean you ask? What is the point?  Well, the same can be said for the worth of a person. Your value can be changed by what YOU are able to make of yourself! We all start the same, it is what we turn ourselves into that matters. Think about that for a minute!   Have a great week, Go Panthers!

Quote of the Week

“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”




 AL A CARTE ITEMS:  Please do not go up to purchase any al a carte items until your table has been dismissed. 

·       RYLA: Any sophomores and juniors interested in learning about the RYLA leadership conference can attend a meeting Thursday, March 28th during panther time or reach out to Janie Maasdam or Madi Day-Suhr.  More information is attached.  

·       Want more information about the kindness challenge? Check out the video -> Our "Kind" of Panther


· Out of town date forms are now available for pick up in the front office. They are due back in the office by April 5th!  

· Prom 2024 will be held April 13th. Information was sent out via Infinite Campus to all Juniors and Seniors. You must be a Junior or a Senior to purchase tickets and must list your date. The QR codes for Prom and After Prom are on the Information Sheet. Please read this sheet carefully, Prom expectations, routes, and details have changed from last year. 


·       Knoxville Food Youth Initiative: Panther Pantry can use up to 3 students to help pass out food usually on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.  You would be helping out at the high school's old concession stand from 9 am - 11:30 am.   They are also needing help on Friday evenings.  They need up to 2 students to help deliver food to families not able to come on pantry morning.  Hours are from 4 pm - 6 pm.  If you are interested in helping out please contact Verlin Goodyk by email at vgoodykvikesfan@gmail.com

·       Food Bank of Iowa:  is looking for volunteers to help with sorting and packing food donations to food pantries across Iowa.  Volunteering at the Food Bank engages students in fighting food insecurity and is a lot of fun!  We offer shifts on Wednesday nights (5-5) and some Saturdays, as well as weekday shirts. If you are interested in helping out please send an email to Pat Finan.   pfinan@foodbankiowa.org



4th term schedule changes:  you have until tomorrow, March, 28th @ 3:30 to make any 4th term schedule changes.  You will need to scan the QR codes that are located on the counseling office doors to make an appointment.  You can also email your counselor and they will get back to you.  When it is time for your appointment make sure to check in the front office with Natasha or Stacy first.  

If you are needing to meet with your counselor, remember to scan the QR codes outside the counseling office to set up your meeting.  The counseling doors will remain locked so please check in the front office before walking through.


·       Seniors: It's Senior Salute time! Fill out this form (https://forms.gle/5cr9uzQmCWrV8CHX6) by April 4 at 3:30. Let Mrs. Keefer know if you have any questions!

·       Senior photos need to be turned in by March 31st to Mrs. Fleming.

·       Please make sure to check your fees.  Graduation cap and gown fee is due by March 1st and all other fees need to be paid before the end of April.



Mon, Mar. 25                    MS BD - SCC Honor Band @Eldon (Cardinal HS), 100 PM (Bus: 1135 AM)

                                         JV/V B SC @Pleasant Hill (Southeast Polk HS), 515 PM (Bus: 400 PM)

                                         V G SC @Indianola (HS), 530 PM (Bus: 400 PM)

Tue, Mar. 26                     HS CH - Heart of Iowa Showcase @Pella (Central College), 1000 AM (Bus: 930 AM)

                                         V G/B GF @Osceola (Municipal Golf Course), 400 PM (Bus: 210 PM)

                                         V B TR @Pella Christian (HS), 430 PM (Bus: 315 PM)

Thu, Mar. 28                     MS CH - SCC Honor Choir @Albia (HS), 900 AM (Bus: 830 AM)

                                         JV/V B TN @Alleman (North Polk HS), 415 PM (2 Suburbans: 230 PM)

                                         V G TR @Osceola (Clarke HS), 430 PM (Bus: 230 PM)

                                         JV/V B SC @Carlisle (HS), 530 PM (Bus: 410 PM)

                                         V G SC v. Carlisle @Knoxville (Randy Wilson Track), 530 PM

LUNCH:  Chicken Sandwich, Sweet Potato Fries, & Cheesy Broccoli.  2nd CHOICE:  Spicy Chicken Sandwich.