May 3, 2024
Little things getting you down? Think about this; The only bird that will peck at an eagle is the crow. He sits on his back and bites at his neck. The eagle does not respond or fight with the crow. The eagle doesn't waste time or energy on the crow, he simply opens its wings and begins to rise higher and higher into the sky. The higher the eagle goes, the harder it is for the crow to breathe, eventually the crow falls off due to the lack of oxygen. Moral of the story? Stop wasting your time with those who are trying to hold you down, instead continue to rise to your heights and those problems will soon fade. Have a great week!! GO PANTHERS!!
Quote of the Week
“You can't change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
· DANCE TEAM: Any student CURRENTLY in 7th-11th grade can try out for the 24-25 Knoxville Dance Team. Interested dancers should fill out this form for Coach Devin by May 13th -
Tryouts will occur on May 20th & 22nd 3:30-5:00 with team announcements on May 24th
· STUDENT SENATE: Interested in planning events for the 2024-2025 school year? Interested in making decisions surrounding Homecoming? Want to join a fun and motivated group? The Student Senate group is for you! Each grade will have eight (8) representatives total for the group with voting taking place in advisory the week of May 6th. If you wish to join, email Mrs. McWilliams or Ms. Douglas and they will put you on the ballot OR have any questions.
· Starting Monday, April 29 will be our first full Monday. No more late start Mondays after today for the rest of this school year.
· GIRLS SOFTBALL: The softball team is looking for a manager to help with scorekeeping and organization. Please reach out to Coach Peden if this is something you are interested in.
· Knoxville Food Youth Initiative: Panther Pantry can use up to 3 students to help pass out food usually on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. You would be helping out at the high school's old concession stand from 9 am - 11:30 am. They are also needing help on Friday evenings. They need up to 2 students to help deliver food to families not able to come on pantry morning. Hours are from 4 pm - 6 pm. If you are interested in helping out please contact Verlin Goodyk by email at
· Food Bank of Iowa: is looking for volunteers to help with sorting and packing food donations to food pantries across Iowa. Volunteering at the Food Bank engages students in fighting food insecurity and is a lot of fun! We offer shifts on Wednesday nights (5-5) and some Saturdays, as well as weekday shirts. If you are interested in helping out please send an email to Pat Finan.
If you are needing to meet with your counselor, remember to scan the QR codes outside the counseling office to set up your meeting. The counseling doors will remain locked so please check in the front office before walking through.
Any student interested in signing up for summer drivers ed please stop in the office to pick up a form. There will be 2 sessions. 1st session starts June 9th and 2nd session starts July 28th.
· All fees will need to be paid by April 30th.
· Ipad turn in will be Thurs. May 16th. Seniors will need their chargers as well. If you do not have your charger expect to pay $33. The tech office will inspect for any damages. All tech fines will need to be paid by Fri. May 17th at 900 am.
Wed. May 8th - Senior Scholarship Night, 700
Tues. May 14th - Senior Picnic
Thur. May 16th - Seniors Last Day
Fri. May 17th - Senior Recognition Assembly, 900
Fri. May 17th - Graduation Rehearsal, 1030
Sun. May 19 - Graduation Ceremony, 200
Mon, Apr. 29 V B TN - Conference Meet @Knoxville (Joel Tonda Tennis Complex), 900 AM
**Participating Schools: Knoxville, Albia, Chariton, Clarke, Centerville, Davis County
V G GF @Monroe (Gateway Recreation Golf Course), 400 PM (Suburban: 245 PM)
JV B GF - Knoxville Scramble @Knoxville (Pine Knolls Golf Club), 415 PM
**Participating Schools: Knoxville, Newton, Oskaloosa, Pella, Pleasantville
MS G TR @Chariton (Reynolds Field), 430 PM (Bus: 240 PM)
MS B TR @Albia (HS), 430 PM (Bus: 240 PM)
JV/V B SC v. Chariton @Knoxville (Randy Wilson Track), 530 PM
Tue, Apr. 30 V G TN - Conference Meet @Knoxville (Joel Tonda Tennis Complex), 900 AM
**Participating Schools: Knoxville, Albia, Chariton, Clarke, Centerville, Davis County
V B GF @Atlantic (Golf & Country Club), 1000 AM (Suburban: 650 AM)
V G SC v. Centerville @Knoxville (Randy Wilson Track), 530 PM
V B SC v. Perry @Knoxville (Randy Wilson Track), 730 PM
Thu, May 2 JV/V G TN v. Oskaloosa @Knoxville (Joel Tonda Tennis Complex), 415 PM
V G/B TR - Conference Meet @Centerville (Lakeview Athletic Complex), 430 PM (Girls Bus: 200 PM; Boys Bus: 220 PM)
Fri, May 3 MS G/B TR - Conference Meet @Albia (HS), 400 PM (Girls Bus: 215 PM; Boys Bus: 215 PM)
HS BD - State Large Group Music Contest @Grinnell (HS), 754 PM (2 Buses: 550 PM)
HS CH - State Large Group Music Contest @Grinnell (HS), 900 PM (Bus: 650 PM)
Sat, May 4 V B GF @Ames (Golf & Country Club), 900 AM (Suburban + Car: 620 AM)
V B TN @Ottumwa (Staggs Tennis Courts), 900 AM (Suburban: 700 AM)
MS/HS SC @Newton (Jasper County Gun Club), 1230 PM (Bus: 1030 AM)
V G SC @Stuart (WCV HS), 100 PM (Bus: 1100 AM)
LUNCH: Cheeseburger, French Fries & Baked Beans. 2nd Choice: BBQ Rib Sandwich.